Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Transcendentalism. Some of the most important Transcendentalists are
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller.

Make sure you look at these important works of the movement; Walden, Resistance to Civil Government and Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Women's Suffrage

Read the Declaration of Sentiments. How is it similar/different than the Declaration of Independence. Who wrote it/signed it? What was the purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention?

Sunday, November 27, 2005

John Brown

Listen to:

October 13, 2005
Segment 3: "David Reynolds on John Brown."

Was John Brown a terrorist?

John Brown biography.

The conspirators at Harpers Ferry.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Race and Manifest Destiny

What is Reginald Horsman's thesis? How did the founders ideas on expansion differ from later ideas of Manifest Destiny? Do you think these ideas are still relevant today? The entire text is in the library if you are interested in checking it out.

What is this painter trying to say about expansion?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jacksonian Democracy

What are the fundamental ideas of "Jacksonian Democracy?" Read this article and answer the question.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Lewis and Clark

Read the excerpt from the journal of Meriweather Lewis and answer the questions in "comments."

Examine the three maps at this site. What can you infer about European and American understanding of the Americas at this time, the 17 and 18 century?

Friday, November 11, 2005

How democratic is the Constitution?

One of the most well respected Political Scientist's of the United States looks at the question; how democratic is the United States Constitution? Read excerpts from Robert Dahl's critique of the US Constitution and comment.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

British Debate Terrorism In Parliament

Go to this site and watch the debate in the House of Commons between Prime Minister Tony Blair and oppostion leader Michael Howard over a bill to detain suspects without charge for 90 days. By the way the Prime Minister lost the vote. Also take a look at the background feature that explains "question time." Imagine a debate like this with George Bush on either side?

Send Yourself an Email in 20 Years

Cool idea. This email timecapsule will send you an email in the future. I would suggest not using your MPS account. Get a free one at Yahoo or Google or some other free site.