
Go to this website on the Scopes Monkey Trial and read all four pages. After reading the site describe what you think the trial was about and pick one of the highlighted words in the text of the website and describe what you think is interesting about it.
Raghda Ahmad
Hour 6-7
The trial was about how fundamentalists wanted to keep their church and state together. They passed a law in their Daytona schools that teachers were not allowed to teach evolution. A modernist by the name of John Scopes broke this law because he believed he had a right to teach this belief. He was prosecuted for this "crime" however; he and several other modernists still fought for their right to teach evolution in schools.
I think that statute is an interesting word used in this article because it shows how strongly the modernist felt about being able to teach this belief, that he even broke the law to do it.
The Scopes Monkey Trial Was About Many Issues The Were Facing At The Time. They Were About The KKK Modernization Issues And The Prohibition Laws. The Highlighted Word I Chose Is SCIENCE The Really Weren't Into The Idea Of Science Too Much But More Into Religion. The Were At This Point Trying To Modernize.
Phonesavanh Sinathalang
Hour2 - 2
The Scopes Monkey Trial is how about how the fundimentalists wanted to keep church and state together. So they passed a law saying taht teachers could not teach evolution, they could only teach god's creation. But a teach named John Scopes desided to teach evolution anyway, and he was prosecuted for it. The word science is important because the whole thing is about the right to teach evolution vs. God's creation.
Katie Tanner Hour 6-7
The Scopes Monkey Trial was about cultural clashes. It was also about way more than the KKK and the Prohibition Act, it was what American culture endured. John Scopes was put on trial for teaching Evolution. It was found guilty, but never gave up the fight for the right to teach it. I chose to pick the word science because evolution in their mind wasn't science it was religion based. The word science could have several different meanings.
Avery Johnson
Hour 6/7
The Scopes trial of 1925 touched base on the cultural clashes occurring across America at the time.
science which was one of the main things of american culture little did i know
Alexander Olavarria
hr 2
The trial was about John Scopes, who was charged with teaching evolution in a classroom- this was against the law at the time. William Jennings Bryan led the prosecution and Clarence Darrow for the defense.
My higlighted words of choice are Inherit the Wind which was a play that, "emphasized the victory of reason and modernism over fundamentalism and religion." In the 1950's, this play was written about the Red Scare-McCarthy movement and because of the ties to modernism over fundamentalism, it is the way many people remembered the trial.
Jennifer Donahoe
Hr: 9
This trial was about John Scopes who was prosecuted to teaching about evolution in a classroom. He was just trying to educate the children on things that were, in his mind, logical and not have anything to do with religion. I think that he just wanted to open their eyes to something other than what has been shoved down their throats all their lives. I think that the word science was important because it explained things in a different way than the people were used to. I kind of taught them a new way to think and view life.
This trial was about John Scopes who was prosecuted to teaching about evolution in a classroom. He was just trying to educate the children on things that were, in his mind, logical and not have anything to do with religion. I think that he just wanted to open their eyes to something other than what has been shoved down their throats all their lives. I think that the word science was important because it explained things in a different way than the people were used to. I kind of taught them a new way to think and view life.
Bettie Mattison
Hour 9
The Scopes Trial was about the prhibition period and the rise of the second KKK.
Dennis Polzin
HR. 2
the highlighted word that i chose was science. they were not really big into science. they were more into religion than science.science was really big in America.
Dale Curtis Hr.2
John Scopes was a teacher who was prosecuted for teaching evolution to his students. I think the main concept of the trial was separation of church and state. I chose the words Protestant beliefs. At that time, the fundamentalists opposed the separation of church and state. For this reason, they felt that by teaching evolution, God was being removed from the classroom, and eventually the lives of the students who were being taught it. In regards to the case, John W. Butler, who created the anti evolution law stated, "If evolution wins, Christianity goes". This statement shows how much this case was based on religion instead of science.
Monique Lofton
Hour 2
The Scopes-Monkey Trial was a widely publicized clash between fundamentalists and modernists. Fundamentalists passed laws in schools that rendered the teaching of evolution illegal. A modernist--John Scopes--broke this deeply fundamentalist law and taught evolution to his students. For this he was prosecuted. Though the trial was a fundamentalist victory--Scopes was found guilty--modernists would still fight for their right to teach evolution and science rather than religion-based creation myths.
The term "Fundamentalists," strikes me as interesting. It descirbes early religous nutjobs trying to force their bedtime story beliefs down little children's throats. A religion is nothing to take on lightly, it should be a choice that everyone makes for themselves. Parents and teachers have scant right to inculcate their religous beliefs into their children; this is merely a mild form of dictatorship. Children should be able to grow up a bit, then decide whether or not they wish to take on a religion.
The trial was inconsequentil for all this. It "decided nothing, the press claimed," but was an opening battle "in what was to be a long conflict between fundamentalists and modernists."
The Scopes Monkey Trail was a clash between fundamentalists and modernists. The issue was the teaching of evolution in schools. It was religion against science and was the trail of the century. The trail was "poignant" because Europeans already established the modernists ideas and science provides the facts.
Her, Timothy
Hour 9-9
The trail was about how to keep the church and state all together using fundamentalist, Some of the people even passed a law that all the teacher can’t teach evolution to the people. However, John Scopes decide to teach the people any way and to this he was prosecuted. Therefore during this time, many believe in God than in science.
youa xiong
hr 6-7
Paul Donohoe-Klebar
Hour 2
The Scopes-Monkey Trail, was a trail of a southern school teacher who was taken to court after he continued to teach evolution in his public classroom. By the term "science", it is used to describe the process of evolution instead of the ideas of creationism. i.e. we were all monkeys, and over millions of years, we are people, compaired to the ideas of creationism, that teaches that people are created by a higher power.
even though he lost the trail, john scopes still had his way somewhat, by sending a message to the public about creationism
So Basicly this retard Scopes whatever his name another antichrist.. well he was convicted of teaching evolution which is another diobolical idea, and back in the day in the 1800's the puritans escaped from Britain because it was becoming corrupting and they were not able to practice their beliefs... they were the "pioneers' of America and who started "The United States...blah" Anywho they escaped to continue their religious beliefs, which were basicly offended by this Scopes person because he tried changing up high school kids' faith and beliefs, forgetting that the main reson why his great great great great grandparents established the country Scopes calls his home, so that they can live their faith and have their nuthead great great great great grnadson Scopes change his mind about his faith and involve the """evolution""" idea into young high school kids' mind.. And that was why he was convicted because th judge remembered why his great great great great grandparents escaped Europe because he knew that we are not animals. I hope I was able to explain myself good.
-Ester Lezama hour 9
The trial was about the fight over evolution and should it be tought in schools. This trial made Americans debate on the values of their civilization.
The words that stand out to me are "put Dayton on the map". The group who opposed the law made that quote seem like nothing big happens in Dayton and the trial would increase their stature and economics.
Britney Donald
The Scopes Monkey Trial was how how the fundamentalists were for keeping the church and state together. The trail was about John scopes who taught evolution even though there was a law saying that you couldn't teach evolution. Science is the term that I picked because basically you either believed in science (such as evoultion) or God.
Theresa Miranda
Hour: 6-7
In Tennessee, there was a law passed in 1925 forbidding the teaching of evolution in public schools. John Scopes went against this law by denying the idea of divine creation and teaching the evolution theory. The state of Tennessee charged Scopes for not obeying the law in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial. This trial and these laws passed against the
teaching of evolution were due to people’s resistance to Modernism. Fundamentalist wanted religious principles to be the main teachings in the American society. They tried to crack down on people who had ideas that opposed the Christian beliefs; fundamentalism was the main reason for the Scopes Monkey Trial. Still today, there are debates about modern concepts such as evolution being taught in school. However, now most people can agree that these modern concepts are constitutional. Modernism has made a positive difference in America from the 1920’s because people are able to believe in different ideas and spread their beliefs, usually, without being convicted by the law.
Brandi Collins
Hour 2
This trial was about the debate over whether evolution or Christian creationism should be taught in public schools. John Scopes broke the law by teaching evolution to his class. He lost but the fundamentalists ended up looking like backwards people.
I find the word science interesting because at the time it seems that people heard the word and assumed bad things- unchristian things. Now the word isn't seen as evil or unchristian to the degree it did then.
Jackson Dumanch
Hour: 9
I'd like to think the entire trial was about the clash of two cultures; the old religious people versus the new, modern citizens. The old Fundies didn't like the idea of evolution being taught in their schools because it went against their bible, and the bible was the center of their culture. However, science appeared to be the new driving force in some parts of American society, and apparently, evolution was a science that scared Fundamentalists.
In the long run, the poor teacher prosecuted for teaching evolution in Tennessee was charged (and lost) and what not, but the defense totally embarrassed the Fundies' old fashioned way of thinking. In short, nothing was actually gained from this trial except a still going rivalry between fundamentalists and modernists.
I picked out the words "Media Attention" because widespread media was also becoming a huge part of the new age culture. The media kept the new culture informed, and it also informed the old culture. The opposing sides probably exploited the media during the whole legal fiasco.
Sarah Smith, Hour 9 (unfortunately)
The trial was basically about how religion had some what an influence on the government. John Scopes was convicted for teaching his class about facts not about something that was in the Christian belief.
The words I picked were media attention. The purpose of the media attention was to prove to the other people in the world how foolish the fundamentists were.
The trial was basically about a modernist named John Scopes(a teacher) who broke the law by teaching evolution even though it was banned. He was soon convicted of the crime. He believed that he was going the right thing by teaching it.
I think the word science stood out the most. Science wasn't really the point, the point was that he was going against their religious values.
Eddie Sparkman
The trails were about fundamentalism and modernism and who controls the content taught in public schools continued throughout the rest of the 20th century. The trail wanted to put Darwin's theory out of the classroom. Clarence Darrow joined the defense team against the ACLU'S power. The monkey trail attracted a lot of media. The media concluded that the trail was simply nothing but an argument between fundamentalists and modernists. In the end, the trial encouraged Fundamentalists to try other avenues through which to promote their points of view.
Charmyse Tillman
Hour 2-2
The Scopes Trial was a clash between the modern times and fundamentalists whose principal desire was to keep a combination between religion and education. However, as Scope decided to flout such a regulation by teaching evolution his controversial decision brought to the surface a fight larger than what to teach. But a meeting of the old and the new generations, a culture in which during those times, only one was fit to use withing society.
I think that the term fundamentalism is interesting because it was the organization of people who constantly insisted in maintaning a traditional way of living in the US. Even though, everything around them was making a completely 360 degree turn.
Elizabeth Montes
Hour 6-7
The Scopes "monkey" trial was one of the beginning battles in a war of values that wages on to this day among progressives and fundamentalists. John Scopes, a Dayton biology teacher, and his attorney Clarence Darrow stood for science and progress (also money and fame) against the fundamentalist law of Tennessee, represented by Williams Jennings Bryan (also rich and famous)that stood for fundamental conservation, mainly of religious values. These two sides faced off for the first time in court over the issue of whether evolution should be taught in schools. Fitting of the time, the fundamentalists won out. However, science made great gains as Darrow made Bryan look like an idiot. Today, science is whoopin' some fundamentalist donk, illustrated by the fact that evolution is the primary theme in many biology books and natural selection is given as the main reason for pretty much everything that ever happens. ever.
I found ACLU to be interesting because this was the case that really got the union into the game and since they have had an immeasurable impact on US policy, playing a key role in many important Supreme Court decisions. I would attribute their success to their limited focus and strict, nonpartisan interpretation of the document.
Emma Weiss
Scope trial was about a a teacher giving lessons about evolution to his class. Even though, it was strictly forbidden by the fundamentalist who wanted to keep education and religion as one. As a way of keeping all power under one circumstance. However, at the end modernism wasnt able to triumph over the fundalist beliefs that reigned during those times.
The term i preferred is international coverage because it expresses the fame this case got throughout the nation.
Consuelo Moreno
Hour 6-7
John Scopes was accused of breaking the Tennessee law against teaching evolution. William Jennings Bryan led the prosecution and Clarence Darrow was an attorney that spoke on the behalf of Mr. Scopes. I believe the trial was basically about religious views vs. scientific theories. The highlighted words "media attention" are interesting because the trial received lots of attention. Many people were outraged at the thought of evolution, and others were for it, so there was a very large number of media!
Darryl Bridgeman Jr.
Hour 2
Shaunise Pierce
The Scopes Monkey Trail was an example of the how views and opinions began to change in the 1920s. Fundamentalists preferred to keep their church and state together. They passed a prohibiting all Daytona schools from teaching evolution because it went against their religious ideas. Modernist like John Scopes disagreed and the two cultures clashed. Scopes was protested for refusing to abide by the laws and teaching evoultion. I chose the word science because there are so many different divisions of science. You cant just narrow it down to one field
The Scopes Monkey Trial was when John Scopes was accused and taken to court for teaching evolution in his class. This law that prohibited people from teaching evolution was passed in the Daytona schools. Scopes was found guilty but he kept fighting for it. The word that I chose was science because the fundamentalists were trying to keep church and state together by teaching the creation of God.
-Damaris Hurtado Camacho
Hr. 6/7
The Monkey trial was about a man, John Scopes, who wanted to challege the fundamentalist law saying that evolution cannot be taught in a classroom. Because he taugh it he was convicted and taken into trial which he was found guilty. The foundamentalist won the trial, but in the long run lost. Years later evolution was able to be taught in classrooms, but creation also had to be taught.
The word I picked was science. It's interesting because that is pretty much what the whole trial was about, and at the end it did not decided whether rural values or urban values associated was the main basis of American culture.
Yanmife Ruth Salako
Hr. 2-2
The Scopes Monkey trail was "the trail of the century". It is basically about the fundamentalist vs. the radicals(religion vs. science). This was a time when things were changing, and this would happen to be one of the events that would shock the whole nation. This attracted a lot of attention from the media, and coverage was broadcasted for the whole nation. Though the fundamentalists may have won temporarily, this issue would certainly come back up in the future.
Fundamentalists seem interesting to me. I just wonder, how could people think like that back then? How could they rely basically on "religion" and block out everything else? It brings up random questions.
Jeremy Rubio
Hour - 9
The Scopes Monkeys Trial was basically the issue between fundamentalists and modernists, those who oppose the teaching of the Theory of Evolution and those who want the Theory to be taught. To be more specific in details, this trial dealt with people like John Scopes, a substitute teacher, who had taught evolution in the class he was in. Fundamentalists and modernists “fight” over what should be taught in science class, since in religious schools the Theory of Evolution contradicts the creation stories.
I remember watching a film in science class about this; people wanted an alternative of how animals, especially humans, evolve therefore some people wanted to bring up the subject of “intellectual design” (or something like that). Other people argued that “intellectual design” is just a name to cover up for the religious reason behind the subject. The argument shows from the opposing views of both the pro-evolution and the con-evolution. You should ask Mr. Andersons for the movie/show or whatever it was.
The highlighted word I chose was Sacco and Venzetti. What was interesting about it was the fact that these two men were linked to the Red Scare, when people were being shipped out of the United States and jailed if they were suspicious of promoting communism, socialism, and/or anarchy. On April 15, 1920, two men, with three accomplices, murdered and robbed the paymaster at a shoe factory in Massachusetts. Three weeks later Sacco and Venzetti, “two suspicious people,” both Italian immigrants and confirmed as anarchists, were caught. They were one of the firsts to experience the first Red Scare during the time period of 1919-1920. Nativism arose during this period, and people wanted to deport foreigners in fear that they’ll oppose the government in the United States. The United States became xenophobic; many groups were organized to oppose foreigners like the Klu Klux Klan, The Immigration Restriction League, Loyal Coalition, and more.
Ia Moua Hr.2
The Scope Monkey Trail was about John Scopes teaching the evolutionary theory rather than the biblical theory. His trail took place in Dayton, Tennessee and it was eventually thrown out due to that fact that the law did not state that he couldn't teach the evolutionary theory. This trail was remarkable because it is immortable. Teachers still teach the evolutionary theory in present day courses and it is all thanks to Scopes. I also admire Scopes's courage because he had to have known that he would get prosecuted for teaching such a subject. Both sides of the story should be told because many people don't believe the evolutionary theory and others don't believe the biblical theory. Scopes's act tried the power of the states which was over ruled by the government or the constitution.
Mwanje Thompson
Hour 9-9
The Scopes Monkey expressed the importance of teaching evolution at school. Before students were only taught reglious aspects and when modernists like John Scopes, introduced this topic; he was punished for it.
In this article, "modernism over fundamentalism" stuck out of the text to me because it was basically what it is. People were afraid of the truth. They only wanted to rely on reglious reasons for the way the world worked. When modernists started to speak of the scientific aspect of the world, fundamentalists were terrified. Therefore, they made it a law to ban the teaching of evolution.
Harpreet Kaur
Hour 6-7
Angela Thompson HR2
The trial was about fundamentalism against modernism. Modernism believed church and state should be seperate and fundametalist believed the opposite. They passed laws in Daytona schools because fundamentalists believed that modernists undermined their protestant beliefs on which they thought the United States had been founded on. Despite the law and fundamentalists belief modernist John Scopes went against the law and taught evolution because he beleived he had the right to do so; however the fundamentalists did not see it that way. Therefore he was charged and sentenced; yet other modernists still strongly believed in teaching what they believed in.
I chose science because it caused mental riots. Modernists believed in evolution when fundamentalists believed it was undermining the protestant faith. I thought it was interesting because to me religion and school are two different things whereas the teachers were charged for teaching what they believed in.
The trial was about teachers not being allowed to teach evolution in school. It was modernism vs. fundamentalists and religion; keeping traditional values. At the end of the trial modernism lost. The highlighted phrase that stood out to me was 'put Dayton on the map'. They wanted this trial to happen in Dayton, hoping that it would increase its economic fortunes. They went through all of that stuff just to be recongize.
Andrea M.
I think the base of the trial was keeping church and state unified. I chose the word "Science" because that is what was beginning to be used at this time. Scientists were able to prove thing such as evolution through rationality. People of the time didn't want to disown their religious beliefs so they ignore the fact that it is actually proven; this is still true of the present.
Victor Rose
Hr 6-7
The Scopes trial of 1925 reflected the numerous cultural clashes occurring across America at the time. It was also about the risings of the kkk and the prohibition. they was also the rise in the religious fundamentalism. they also talked about the different thoughts about science and christianity.
the word i chose was cultural clashes, because it just gives more emphasist on the diffrences between the two and how they came between each other.
The Scopes trial of 1925 reflected the numerous cultural clashes occurring across America at the time. It was also about the risings of the kkk and the prohibition. they was also the rise in the religious fundamentalism. they also talked about the different thoughts about science and christianity.
the word i chose was cultural clashes, because it just gives more emphasist on the diffrences between the two and how they came between each other.
Vinnie Sisavangone
hour 9-9
At the basic level, the trial was about a teacher teaching evolution which was against the law at the time. I think on a deeper level, the trial was the church's opposition to the scientific world. The church and the state were working together to fight the up and coming science. Fundamentalists and modernists joined in the fight to control what is being taught in the school systems.
An interesting word in the paragraph is "science." This was a turning point in the scientific world that would rock the foundation that had been placed by the church years before. The fact that evolution was science caused many people to follow it and believe it as proof.
Jordan Chevako
Hour 9
The trial was about how the fundamentalists wanted to keep nonsense talk of evolution out of schools and out of context period. When Clarence Darrow taught evolution in the classroom, he wanted not only to teach the facts, but wanted to prove that if you believe in something, go ahead and do it. The prosecuter William Jennings Bryan wanted to prove him wrong and ended up convicting him, but regardless of victory or loss, it stated the cultural differences of the people at the time. The phrase "media attention" in the passage showed that the jury and people in the courtroom werent't the only people that cared about the debating issue. I, myself would care to watch the trial, if possible on television.
Joseph Anderson
Hour 6-7
Sorry about that, the name was John Scopes that taught evolution, not Clarence Darrow.
Joseph Anderson
Kou Vand
Hour 2
The Scopes Monkey Trial was about John Scopes and his teaching of evolution. He was trying to educate students of evolution and tell them what really is true. I think the word science was important because what he was teaching was science to the kids.
The Scopes Monkey Trial was generally about one teacher,(John Scopes) teaching the subject of evolution. This was done after tennensse forbid the eaching of Darwins Theory of Evolution. This resulted in a massarce from the government, state, as well as american citizens.
In my opinion I believe that the Scopes Monkey trial was only risen to the extent that it was, due to the Americas 1920 Advertising, more so the Newpaper, and radio. because of these advertisement ideas, people began that teaching evolution would be challenging the laws, and call the tennesse law unconstitutional. Also during this 1920 era, because there were clashes of American Culture America had to distingiush American Fundamentals, State legislature, and true science, therefore because science really wasn't proven they had to omit the idea of true science.
Erikka Strong
hr. 9-9
p.s Mr.Fons, in class i told you that my computer would not allow me connect to the blog website from my home, nor school. therefore, im writting from my moms computer, hopefully this would go through.
The trial was about how religion had some of an influence on the government. John Scopes was convicted for teaching his class about facts that were not related to something that was in the Christian belief.
The words I picked were the media attention. The purpose of the media attention was to help prove to the other people in the world how foolish the fundamentalists were as they tried to make a difference.
Lindsay Krueger
hour 6-7
The Scopes Monkey Trial was about many issues like the KKK Modernization and the Prohibition Laws at this time. I chose the word, "science" because evolution in their minds wasn't this, it was religion based. They were trying to modernize at this point in time.
Isaac Wodajo Hr.2-2
The Scopes Monkey Trial is about the conflict between traditionalism and modernism. In traditional times, the school taught subjects according to religion. Then all of a sudden the modern teachings started to come to the light. John Scopes, a teacher started teaching evolution. Evolution challenges the credibility of God and everything religion stands for. The state and religion, usually so tied together was starting to come apart. The traditionalists were not happy about this and decided to arrest Scopes and take him to court. The highlighted word science was the conflict between the religious people and the modernists, science gave the reasons for everything.
Carissa Peters
Hr 6-7
The Scopes Monkey Trial was the indictment of a high school biology teacher by the name of John Scopes. Scopes was brought to court on the charges of teaching the theory of evolution in school. The Bible was being challenged by the ever-growing rival, science. William Jennings Bryan was the prosecutor and Scopes was defended by attorney Clarence Darrow. Darrow and Bryan provided worthy evidence for both opinions, forcing the jury to switch sides in all confusion(like Monkeys).
I chose to focus on the word science. I believe this word should stand out among the article out of all the other highlighted words. Science is a many disputed term, even now, because it is made up of methods. Instead of having all answers just there in front of you, in a book perhaps, science requires further knowledge and experiments. Science in this article is important because it is the basis for the whole trial and later dissension among people.
Tianna Sykes
Hour 9
The Scopes Monkey trial was a case that tested a law passed on March 13, 1925, which forbade the teaching, in any state-funded educational establishment in Tennessee, of "any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals." A teacher by the name of John Scopes decided to teach the supposed origin of humans and their ancestors, the monkeys. The word that I chose was "science". The word "science" has a unique meaning in the dictionary, but what I think its interesting, is the way that it's applied. The used the word "Science" in the article as a "logical explanation" for human kind, because there was evidence to support this theory. Many people still to this day don't know the meaning of the word science and still use.
Jessica Jimenez
Hour 9-9
the trial was about the fundamentalists wanting to keep church and state together. they passed a law that schools could not teach ebolution. scopes, broke the law by wanting to have evolution taught in schools.
this is interesting because the world is totally different now.
reid van dunk
hour 6-7
Giselle Remolina
Hour 6-7
The Scopes trial was a case that showed the changes that were occurring in society in the 1920s and 1930s, the surging of new ideas- which created a clash between fundamentalism and religion, and science and moderism. Scopes, a teacher in Tennessee taught evolution, which was forbidden by law, and was convicted for it. Darrow argued in his favor while Bryan, against him. This incident is a repetition of history, as new ideas, science, or theories emerge, there is always opposition, claiming these to be radical. The case did not decide on either side- it was only the start of this clash.
One of the hilighted words "science" is used to represent only of side of the case in this document- fundamentalists at the time were likely to have been provintial and close-minded and think science to be a weapon against them, when science can be perfectly fitted into the teachings of the Bible- for this reason, my opinion of teaching science in schools is that people should have a choice- both viewpoints should be taught, Creation and Evolution, and let people see the evidence and make a decision based on it.
The Scopes Monkey Trial was about John Scopes disobeying a law that said you cant teach evolution in school. He did it anyway and went to trial he eventually lost and was convicted. I think that science was important because evolution is science but it couldn't be taught because of religion. Religion shouldn't matter unles you are in a religious school.
Cameron Norton
hour 2
Jenira Torres
Hour. 9
The Monkey Trial was about how fundamentalist didn't want evolution to be taught in schools and they made it a economical thing for Dayton.
The "Sacco and Vanzetti affair" was about two Italian immigrant anarchists who were arrested because of the red scare. Even though trial was unfair and was fueled by the "clash of cultures" Sacco and Vanzetti died in the electric chair in August 1927.
The Scopes Monkey Trial is based on the fundamentalist belief that church and state shouldn't be seperated. A law was passed that banned all teaching of evolution in schools; only the theory of creationism was permitted. However, a teacher by the name of John Scopes decided to teach evolution which was forbidden and illegal. He was soon then proscecuted for it. The article struck a chord with me due to the spirt it entails of a man who stuck to his beliefs no matter the cost.
-Samuel Hutchins
Bridgette Spiegel
Hour 9
In Scopes Monkey Trial, the fundamentalists wanted to keep church and state together. A law was passed forbidding the teaching of evolution in school, but a teacher named John Scopes taught evolution in school instead and had to go to court because of it.
the scopes trial was about the fundamentalists and the new rising KKK group. the teachings of evolution were out and the teachings of 'God's creations' were in, but scopes, a teacher at the time, taught evolution anyway. he was later prosecuted and battled the court for the right to teach evolution.
the word i picked is science. its funny, because god's so called 'creations' and evoltion are both sciences, just in different forms, but both come from texts. so without either one, neither of them would make any sense...thats how i think of it in this context...
juliana nailen
hr 2
The Scopes Monkey Trial was a supreme court case of 1925 in which John Scopes, a sience teacher, taught evolution to his students after the state legislation had declared that it would not be. Clarence Darrow participated on the defence and William Jennings Bryan took part on the prosecution. The defence represented scientific values and forward thinking and also argued that state legislature did not have the right to pass such laws. The prosecution favored religious and traditional values and argued that as it was not determined in the constitution and the education system was in the control of the state that the state legislature could regulate curriculum. to this, the defense argues that separation of church and state, and therefore freedom of religion, was being violated by not allowing the students to explore this alternative to creation.
The use of the term fundamentalist is ironic because of the modern assosition with the word with violence and terrorism.
Issues over evolution and separation and seperation of church and state still take place. A few years ago in Georgia, there was a major controversy over whether stickers declaring that evolution was only a theory should be placed in the back of science books that addressed the issue. This was a county issue rather than a state issue. It also resembled the Scopes Monkey trial because each side was majorly impacted by religious affiliation.
Natalie North
Hour 9
The trial was a battle between fundamentalism and science. The question that stemmed the trial was wether or not evolution should be taught in schools. Though, scientists won out and it was declared the evolution was to be taught in schools, the trial seemed to be an economic basis. The trial "put Dayton on the map." This was because of the economic boom that occurred in Dayton during the trial on top of the intense media coverage the town got. Another result of the trial was new ways that the fundamentalists had to rely on to try to promote their views: private, religious-based schools that included "creation science" in their curriculum.
Sam Loveland
Hr. 9
The Scopes Monkey Trial was the beginning of the question of Church and State in the United States. Fundamentalists who wished to keep religous influences active in the public versus new age scientists and liberals. Clarance Darrow, the charismatic lawyer and voice of the down-trotted, defeated William Bryant and thus began a strong seperation between religion and education than still exists today.
Conor McMullen
Michael Govani Hour 9
The article in this blog is about how John Scopes taught evolution in school. He was convicted of this so called crime at the time because there were strict laws of church and state. He was a fundamentalist who believed in the truth.
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