Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Generalizations I

Using your text book define the terms and explain whether the statement is valid or invalid.

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AP US History
Generalizations and Terms
Chapter 1
Pueblos Republics
Matrilineal reconquista
Peasants Malinche
Yeoman Cortez
Primogeniture Indulgences
Pagans Predestination
Heresies Indenture

1. The Maya and Aztecs were Hunting and Gathering societies.
2. North of the Rio Grande Native American societies were more complex than in the southern part of the continent.
3. The Hopewell peoples are known for their large burial mounds and lasted until the Europeans arrived in the Americas.
4. In the Northeastern part of North America the 5 Nations dominated.
5. European peasant society was an easy life with a farming cycle that allowed for lots of leisure time.
6. Catholicism was a minor force in the lives of European people.
7. The Crusades help energize European society and was an impetus for the Renaissance.
8. Prince Henry the Navigator was an innovator that helped make Portugal a world power.
9. West African society was controlled by a central government in Timbuktu.
10. North Africans dominated the slave trade in the late 1500’s.
11. The Protestant Reformation had little impact on the European Church and society.
12. Mercantilism was the economic system of much of Europe

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