Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Transcendentalism. Some of the most important Transcendentalists are
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller.

Make sure you look at these important works of the movement; Walden, Resistance to Civil Government and Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.


Anonymous said...

I think that the transcendentalism is very instersting. Even though this is so I find that the article extermly BORING

Anonymous said...

The Article written on transcendentalism, although a little hard to interpet, to me stated that there are basically two ways people look at the things in life(one group, the materialist and the other, the idealist)It did turn out to make some sense because from my understanding, it is possible for an idealist to be a materialist, but a materialist can never be a idealist. Because of the simple fact that the idealist will use materialistic facts to back up their idealisric ideas while the materialist can only think senseable and can only go as far as the facts let them. When every thing all boils down I interpet idealist basically with miricles and beliefs and materialist with more facts and scientific proof. In the same sense I also can draw the conclusion that most people who believe in God are idealist while those who don't are materialist, and for the most part I believe we live in a idealist country with materialistic morals.

Anonymous said...

the article was basically about the two ways of life: the material way or the ideal way. If YOu're a materialist you are also an idealist but not vise versa.

Anonymous said...

The article, although confusing showed the difference of the mindset of the two categories of people. There are the idealists and the materialists. idealists use proven facts for an argument. while materialist argue about the economy portion of life.

Anonymous said...

thanx for putting these up but no interesting question, i must say i'm a tad dissapointed, u usually put on a better show

Anonymous said...

no questions for us...no answer for you fons. what are we suppose to answer? i think that art is very very very very boring and it has no meaning.

Anonymous said...

from reading the article about transcendentalism i find it talking about two types of people. One being the materialist, the one that believe in what you see is what you get. and the idealist, who doesn not need an explaination for every thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

American Transcendentalism was a wide spread idea in the nineteenth century. Transcendentalism was full of a variety of ideas, including literature, philosophy, religion, social reform, and the general state of American culture. Transcendentalism was just a idea was a certain type of person, but if you do believe in Transcendentalism you based a lot of your ideas and beliefs on science, you wanted proof you could test and see. Materailist didn't need much or any proof to presuade them to believe in something, they also believed in miricles. To me it seems that they would be the superficial type, the type that would be guliable to believe in myths and unproved theories.

Anonymous said...

As everyone else has said, the article discusses materialistic people versus idealistic people. Even from the names you can get what the difference is. Idealistic people are more into the abstract ideas. They can look beyond what their senses allow them to perceive and they can interpret unproven concepts, ideas, etc. Materialistic people need material. They need something real. The proven facts determine what they believe so things like god, magic, spirits, miracles, hope, etc have to be proven in order for them to accept them. It's reasonable to see an idealistic becoming a materialistic but not vice versa because materialistic people aren't that open minded in the first place. I think that most people in today's society share both titles, especially in this country with our emphasis on our nation, religion and morals. At the same time, the importance of science and math are more materialistic and are of importance for not just our country but the world.

Anonymous said...

*QuietGirl says:*

In the article Transcendentalism.....it explained the differences of the two types of people..there were the idealists and the materialists. It was some what confusing, but you could be an idealist and somewhat a materialist, but you cant be a materialist and also an idealist...is that correct? Or is it the other way around?

I found this article to be somewhat boring....just letting you know... :)

Anonymous said...

i find the whole transcendentalism a bit confussing, but this article was maingly about materialist and idealist. if your an idealis you are a materialist but if you a materialist your not a idealist, it doesnt work both ways. what i got out of it the article was talking about the two types of people.

Anonymous said...

Okay I read everything but i'm not sure exactly wat we are suppose to write cause i see now questions.. but umm okay.. the article was just about the two different kinds of people 1)materalist 2)idealist It said that and Idealist is a materailist but it can never be the other way around. Yeah that's about it. Yeah I think that's about it... :)

Anonymous said...

Transcendentalism can be defined in many ways by many different people. Their view on nature is that it helps rejuvinated people's soul and it is another image of man. A political view of the transcendentalist is for the government to not govern a lot like in Thoreau's Civil Disobedience. He also stress the idea of the prosper of nature with little influence from people. Also, the human brain was seen as a great gift that allows "infinit" knowledge to be stored.